
domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

Crónicas de Hispania 2012// 2012 Hispania´s Chronicles

Hola a todos, comienzo mi repaso por las jornadas de Hispania 2012, en esta ocasión mis andanzas comenzarán el sábado 28 a las 15:30 para el Torneo de Infinity.//
Hi all, I begin my review for the days of Spain 2012, this time my wanderings begin on Saturday 28 at 15:30 for Infinity Tournament

viernes, 6 de abril de 2012

First Steps of my Avatar// Primeros pasos de mi Avatar

Hi all again.
Now I'm updating this blog with my first steps of the figure who represents the Avatar of my Infinity EC Army.
It´s a Omega Tiamat from Rackham, a discontinued miniature from AT-43 miniatures game.
It comes prepainted but I don´t like the color scheme for my EC army, so I have to draw out my brushes again.
Now the miniature goes to a 35% of overall, some pics to ilustrate:


martes, 3 de abril de 2012

SS3 in Málaga // Super System 3 en Málaga

Hi all again!, last saturday we played to super system 3 in Málaga, in e-minis our freak favourite place. Here is the link with the news: //
Hola a todos otra vez!, El sábado pasado jugamos con el Super System 3  en Málaga, en nuestro lugar friki favorito, E-minis Málaga. Aquí está el enlace con la noticia:

E-mini SS3 Event

Los viejos trabajos//Old Jobs

Hi all again!, I want to show you my old jobs from when I started in this world.
There are Tyranids, Space Marines, Eldars and mucho more, now I let the GW company, rest in peace for a while.
The photos of my old jobs are here:
And some old jobs that aren´t there are this:

Hello World!

Hi all, my name is JR and this it´s my first post in my new blog, i´ll try to summarize in a few lines the contents that you will find here.
I have some interest in modelism, painting, drawing, plastic arts, etc. As of today I´ll trying to improve myself in this subjects, and I´ll upload photos of my jobs with many marks of miniatures, painting tricks, technics and technicals about it, and if they let me, I´ll upload some tutorials from professionals.
About me, as you can see I´m not fluent in English, I´m Spanish but I´ll try to translate all my posts into English for a better understanding worldwide and I ask a bit of condescension for my mistakes into this lenguage.
Spain in 2020
So, to start I´ll let you a phrase of Francisco de Quevedo, that resumes Spanish´s actual situation in Spain: "Where there aren´t justice it´s dangerous to be right, because fools are majority"This sentence, shows the spirit of a punished society for a corrupt and incompetent political class that strangles the neck of the helpless one.

Thanks for your reading and see you in new posts.